After spending a little over a year entirely online, students have begun returning to campus. Lower and middle schoolers have already been back for on-campus remote learning as well as social and emotional...
On March 13, 2020, Westridge closed its doors after a coronavirus case was diagnosed in Los Angeles. Most members of the community believed that everything would go back to normal after spring break, but...
Vintage music played in the background while Westridge alumnae joined the Zoom meeting, some unmuting to chat or report a tech problem. The organizers of the online event stayed muted and allowed past...
It was near the end of Westridge’s Modern Middle East class when some students began clicking the leave button to exit the Teams meeting. They had just finished watching a movie and were about to head...
Since classes have shifted to remote learning, the adjusted schedule now has a later start time. Previously, a Spyglass article titled “Opinion: Late Start Gives Students a Head Start in School” discussed...
A video was recently posted online that depicted a Westridge alumna hurling anti-Asian slurs. The video, which circulated quickly online, was first posted on the Nextdoor app on Wednesday, and then spread...
Diehard fans of anime and manga, or animanga as it’s known in those circles, now have a new home in the new Animanga Club. Established this year by Z G. ’22 and Izzy C. ’23, the club, which consists...
When small stickers no larger than the size of a fist were plastered all around campus—in bathrooms, on bulletin boards, and even in classrooms—students would know that Love Your Body week was officially...
Set in a futuristic world, Westridge Theater’s newest theater production, “Eden Experiments,” reflects on the unprecedented time of the pandemic and asks larger questions about human behavior and...
While most students spend their time after school studying, watching Netflix, or hanging out with friends, some students are busy making a profit.
Hadley, who works as a part-time nanny, has babysat...
“The program will begin in one minute” flashes on the left side of every eager listener's computer. After the minute has passed, audio breaks the silence, and KWST’s grey “off-air” text shifts...