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The student-run newspaper of Westridge School for Girls, Spyglass strives to build community and evoke empathy through the medium of journalism. Comprised of passionate student writers, editors, designers, managers, and leaders, Spyglass is dedicated to ethical reporting that amplifies our unique voices to inform, entertain, and forge connection in the Westridge community and beyond.


  • March 10th Edition Out Now!
The student-run newspaper of Westridge School for Girls, Spyglass strives to build community and evoke empathy through the medium of journalism. Comprised of passionate student writers, editors, designers, managers, and leaders, Spyglass is dedicated to ethical reporting that amplifies our unique voices to inform, entertain, and forge connection in the Westridge community and beyond.


The student-run newspaper of Westridge School for Girls, Spyglass strives to build community and evoke empathy through the medium of journalism. Comprised of passionate student writers, editors, designers, managers, and leaders, Spyglass is dedicated to ethical reporting that amplifies our unique voices to inform, entertain, and forge connection in the Westridge community and beyond.


Middle Schoolers Highlight Immigrant Experiences

Middle Schoolers Highlight Immigrant Experiences

May 31, 2022

Eighth Grade students interviewed and then wrote a profile about a friend or relative who immigrated to America. These profiles provide readers with a new perspective on the concept of immigration.

7th grade Spanish students in class.

Heritage Speakers Share Their Language Learning Experience at Westridge

Kristin C. and Rebecca L. May 31, 2022

At Westridge, Middle School students choose between learning Spanish, Latin, and Mandarin for both years seventh and eighth grade. For some students, the choice is easy, but for others, who are native...

“A comforting space I wish I had access to when I was their age”: Middle School Affinities Foster Safe and Inclusive Spaces

“A comforting space I wish I had access to when I was their age”: Middle School Affinities Foster Safe and Inclusive Spaces

Helena C. May 31, 2022

Starting this year, 7th and 8th grade students were able to join a Middle School Affinity Group. The feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive; participants say that joining an affinity has...

Pictured are three books in the eighth-grade curriculum that are commonly challenged in schools, as well as Apple: Skin to the Core, a book being considered as a replacement for The Lone Ranger.

Eighth-Graders Question Sherman Alexie’s Place in American Studies Curriculum

Kristin C. March 21, 2022

Clustered together in the Westridge Mudd Pit, two sections of eighth-grade students started their quarter two American Studies unit by gathering to discuss the curriculum, specifically, why two books by...

A torchlight march in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, to mark the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

An Unrecognized Genocide is a Repeated Genocide

Sophene A. May 17, 2021

Two years ago, I, along with countless other Armenians, stood in front of Congressman Adam Schiff. As he walked onto the stage, the crowd immediately became silent, but we continued to keep our flags raised,...

Middle School Immigrant Profiles

Middle School Immigrant Profiles

May 17, 2021
Eighth Grade students interviewed and then wrote a profile about a friend or relative who immigrated to America. These profiles provide readers with a new perspective on the concept of immigration.
New Legislation Challenges Abortion Rights

New Legislation Challenges Abortion Rights

Sophene A. March 1, 2021

    New abortion legislation in South Carolina challenges current abortion rights, changing national abortion legislation for decades to come. On Thursday, February 18, pro-lifers were...

Mia G. ‘25 standing in front of piles of donated breakfast cereal

All-School Food Drive Triumphs Against All Odds

Reed D. January 19, 2021

Despite the obstacles presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Westridge community rallied to support the recent all-school food drive. In fact, Ms. St. John, the Westridge Service-Learning Coordinator,...

Ms. Oseran with her dog.

Westridge Welcomes Anna Oseran

Sophene A. October 11, 2020
Ms. Oseran starts her day by making herself a cup of coffee. The first sip of her coffee is the second best part of her day, the first being in class with her students. As she prepares to start her day, she always reads something, usually The New York Times. Next, she heads on to Advisory and then teaches 8th grade English for the rest of the workday.

When STEM is Forced on Girls

Ilena M. May 1, 2020

Growing up in Los Angeles, I’ve been told that girls can do anything they set their minds to, especially STEM: science, technology, engineering, and math, the decided holy grail of intellect and success...

(clockwise from left) The author talks with Gia M. ‘27, eighth-grader Sydney W., and Sylvie S. J. ‘24

Lower & Middle School Remember Ms. V.

Ilena M. April 24, 2020

On April 14, we lost an integral member of the Westridge community, Lower and Middle School Dean of Student Support Carol Van Zalingen, to complications due to COVID-19. As Westridge reflects upon and...

Quarantine Inspired Haikus

April 17, 2020
In Eighth Grade English, students wrote haikus reflecting on their experience during the Coronavirus quarantine. Spyglass would like to feature three of these haikus to add some cheer in these times of fear and uncertainty. 
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