The Westridge State Street parking lot is no stranger to accidents. Every year, at least four to five accidents are reported to the Campus Safety team. However, in just the first month of school, four...
On August 10, Westridge Head of School Elizabeth McGregor sent a school-wide email with important back-to-school information. Alongside the information regarding weekly PCR testing and masks were details...
Westridge’s Chamber Orchestra has finally reunited after practicing online for over a year due to COVID. Although most of the orchestra are able to reassemble normally, the wind instruments still face...
Assessments, a necessary evil in both students’ and teachers’ lives, must continue during remote learning. Traditionally, teachers use tests to assess students’ understanding of the material and...
For roughly the past eight months, Westridge seniors have endured the seemingly endless process of applying to colleges across and beyond the United States. Finally, past the May 1 deadline by which most...
“What was so fitting was when she came through the door, she walked up to me like she had known me forever,” recalled Ms. Lorri Deyer, Upper School History and Ceramics teacher, remembering when she...
As the school year comes to an end, many in the Westridge community have a chance to look back and reflect on the past year. Teachers and students alike have learned to be more versatile, strong and persistent...
According to NBC News, following the coronavirus pandemic, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) hate crimes (those that have been reported) increased over 100% in Los Angeles alone. As AAPIs in America...
Westridge Alumni Zoya Abbas ‘18, Amari Gaiter ‘17, Sarah Bacio ‘17, Elliot Snow ‘17 and Shoop Rosario ‘17 were unhappy with the food inequalities in their community. Together, they started the...
After spending over a year online, Westridge Upper Schoolers finally returned to campus. Although some students have returned to campus for SEL activities and sports conditioning, others haven’t seen...