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The student-run newspaper of Westridge School for Girls, Spyglass strives to build community and evoke empathy through the medium of journalism. Comprised of passionate student writers, editors, designers, managers, and leaders, Spyglass is dedicated to ethical reporting that amplifies our unique voices to inform, entertain, and forge connection in the Westridge community and beyond.


  • ❄ December Edition Out Now! ❄
The student-run newspaper of Westridge School for Girls, Spyglass strives to build community and evoke empathy through the medium of journalism. Comprised of passionate student writers, editors, designers, managers, and leaders, Spyglass is dedicated to ethical reporting that amplifies our unique voices to inform, entertain, and forge connection in the Westridge community and beyond.


The student-run newspaper of Westridge School for Girls, Spyglass strives to build community and evoke empathy through the medium of journalism. Comprised of passionate student writers, editors, designers, managers, and leaders, Spyglass is dedicated to ethical reporting that amplifies our unique voices to inform, entertain, and forge connection in the Westridge community and beyond.


Campus Culture

Homemade gluten-free matcha green tea Frankenstein cookies.

Though Advisory Snacks Return to Westridge, COVID Protocols Remain the Same

Jessica W., Staff Writer December 13, 2021

Advisory snacks have been allowed once again by the Westridge COVID-19 Team after being put on hold because of eating restrictions and safety protocols. Although students have been allowed to bring...

Climate Corner: Lower School Sustainability Reps Are Making Waves

Climate Corner: Lower School Sustainability Reps Are Making Waves

Grace K., Contributor December 13, 2021

Climate Corner is a column that features Westridge students’ environmental and sustainability activism both on and off campus   Student involvement in sustainability initiatives spans all...

Lower Schoolers Line Up for Vaccine Clinic

Florence J. December 13, 2021

On November 15th, Westridge held a COVID-19 vaccine clinic in the Hoffman Gym for the Westridge community. As per the FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 on October 29th, Lower...

Humans of Westridge: Coach Allison Clark

Humans of Westridge: Coach Allison Clark

Ella B. December 13, 2021

What’s your favorite place on campus? Ooh, what's my favorite place on campus. That’s a tough question. I would say probably the field. It’s very pretty out there, and if you do like a 360 in the...

Humans of Westridge: Cherished Librarian Stephanie Bolton

Humans of Westridge: Cherished Librarian Stephanie Bolton

Ella B. December 13, 2021

What’s your favorite place on campus? Is it too cliché if I say the library?... I love being surrounded by books. I also love that it is a multidivisional space, so even this year when we were sort...

What is it like to be a Long-Term Sub? Subs and Students Weigh in on Rewards and Challenges

What is it like to be a Long-Term Sub? Subs and Students Weigh in on Rewards and Challenges

Ariana E. December 13, 2021

Substitute teachers are an essential part of a school’s operation. The reality is that sometimes teachers need to step away from the classroom, sometimes for a class, sometimes for a day, and sometimes...

Lola B., Lucy J., Arden R., Reema R. in The Pimple

Westridge Theatre Returns to In-person Performances with the Fall Production of The Continuum Tales

Lilah R. December 6, 2021

After almost two years, in-person theatre productions have resumed, subject to Covid safety protocols. The theatre department is no stranger to pivoting to meet Covid safety protocols. Last year, the production...

The Fourth Graders showing off their costumes during their Halloween Parade

Fourth Grade Students Hold a Halloween Parade of Their Own Following the Return of Quarantined Students to Campus

Hailey T. December 3, 2021

On the morning of November 4th, the fourth graders, many of whom had just returned from quarantine, donned their costumes and walked down the stairs to Ranney Court, where the entire Lower School gathered...

Humans of Westridge: Brooklyn P. ’25

Humans of Westridge: Brooklyn P. ’25

Reed D. November 8, 2021
Spyglass' Humans of Westridge series celebrates community through brief spotlights on Westridge students, parents, faculty, and staff.
Lesridge Instagram Account: Both a ‘Meme Account’ and Safe Place for Students

Lesridge Instagram Account: Both a ‘Meme Account’ and Safe Place for Students

Sophene A. November 8, 2021

A private Instagram account named Lesridge, run by Westridge students, currently has 112 followers and 23 posts. The account frequently displays pictures of members of the LGBTQ+ community at Westridge...

Ian Tatum, Director of Equity (left), and Tamara Shahar Jaffe, Dean of Lower and Middle School Student Voices (right)

New Hires Ian Tatum and Tamara Jaffe Further Westridge’s Commitment to DEI

Hannya K. November 8, 2021

Advocating for and creating change—whether for society, yourself, or a handful of individuals—is in no way an easy task. How does anyone committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) find...

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