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The student-run newspaper of Westridge School for Girls, Spyglass strives to build community and evoke empathy through the medium of journalism. Comprised of passionate student writers, editors, designers, managers, and leaders, Spyglass is dedicated to ethical reporting that amplifies our unique voices to inform, entertain, and forge connection in the Westridge community and beyond.


  • March 10th Edition Out Now!
The student-run newspaper of Westridge School for Girls, Spyglass strives to build community and evoke empathy through the medium of journalism. Comprised of passionate student writers, editors, designers, managers, and leaders, Spyglass is dedicated to ethical reporting that amplifies our unique voices to inform, entertain, and forge connection in the Westridge community and beyond.


The student-run newspaper of Westridge School for Girls, Spyglass strives to build community and evoke empathy through the medium of journalism. Comprised of passionate student writers, editors, designers, managers, and leaders, Spyglass is dedicated to ethical reporting that amplifies our unique voices to inform, entertain, and forge connection in the Westridge community and beyond.


Valentine's Day

Painting depicting Lupercalia celebrations (Wiki Commons).

Ancient Lupercalia: My Bloody Valentine, Indeed!

Reed D. February 12, 2024

  Emboldened by the three clicks (thank you, Mom, Dr. M, and Mom again!) that my article on the ancient pagan Festival of Saturnalia received in Spyglass’s last edition, I am going to continue...

Teacher Dating Stories

Eliza W., Daria H., and Genevieve W. February 12, 2024

Too Many to Count “Lots.”   The One Who Ruined History “He kept talking about maps, which would have really interested me because I love history and geography, but the way he was...

Rom-Com Titles: Westridge Edition

Rom-Com Titles: Westridge Edition

Tekle S-J and Rebecca L. February 12, 2024

27 Unexcused Tardies (500) Days of ICWs 10 Things I Hate About The Commons Line Confessions of a Westridge Student   How to Lose an A in 10 Days While You Were Studying My...

Pip DC. ’27 and Jasmine ’T. 27 with their volleyball

“What Are You Doing on Valentine’s Day?”: How Westridge Students Might Respond

Rebecca L. February 6, 2023

Since we all know that Westridge students are too busy to make actual plans on Valentine’s Day, these are some answers one could expect.    “How are you spending Valentine’s Day?”  “Having...

Interactive Periodic Table of Elements

Valentine’s Jokes for Your Favorite School Subjects 

Lilah R. February 6, 2023

DISCLAIMER: You will love to hate these jokes Science:  Q: What did the nucleobase say to the other nucleobase? A:  I wish I was adenine, so I could be paired with U.  Math:   Q: Why...

Pickup Lines for Other Holidays

Pickup Lines for Other Holidays

Valentina V. February 6, 2023

Thanksgiving Looking at you is like a feast for my eyes. Fourth of July You light up my heart. Easter You would be the best surprise to find inside a plastic egg. Halloween You’re BOOtiful!  Christmas You...

7 Valentine's Day Romance Reads

7 Valentine’s Day Romance Reads

Mirella C. February 6, 2023

Romance books are truly a hit or miss. Some are too cliche, others are underdeveloped, and most just aren’t my cup of tea. If you’ve been in the mood for some swoon-worthy romances (that won’t make...

8 Songs to Play on Valentine’s Day (That Aren’t T-Swift or from TikTok)

8 Songs to Play on Valentine’s Day (That Aren’t T-Swift or from TikTok)

Kristin C. February 6, 2023

Common messages from original candies include "Married in white you have chosen right" and "How long shall I have to wait? Please be considerate."

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Seven Fun Facts

Jessica W. February 6, 2023

Another year rolls around, and soon it’s Valentine’s Day: a day to share chocolates and show love. Most people know the holiday was named after the martyred St. Valentine, but most do not know that...

Ditch Ugly Cards for Tasteful Handmade Valentines

Ditch Ugly Cards for Tasteful Handmade Valentines

Reed D. February 6, 2023

I’m sick and tired of people slandering Valentine’s Day cards for being ugly and cheesy when the only representation they’ve seen are the ones with the nauseating combination of fluorescent, neon...

Pepero Recipe

Pepero Recipe

Hannah W. February 6, 2023

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, the perfect day to show genuine affection to loved ones, family, and friends. This year, instead of just giving the regular heart-shaped chocolate box and a bouquet of...

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Valentine’s Day