As I walk through the glass door of the Westridge Library, I notice various tall shapes in colors of pink, blue, and gray, clutched in hands and sitting on top of desks. These days, the sounds of metallic...
This Discovery Week, some Westridge students trekked up the trail of Macchu Picchu in Peru while others learned about Los Angeles’ vibrant cinematic history. Each trip, whether local, regional, or international,...
On Saturday, March 9th, groups of Westridge alumnae reunited at Westridge for the school’s annual Alumnae Weekend celebration. As I stepped onto campus with my Spyglass sweatshirt and tote bag—clearly...
It was a typical Tuesday for Westridge bus students, having arrived promptly at the Los Feliz and Silverlake bus station to be taken to Westridge campus. Once departed, students took to their usual commute...
During the Upper School morning band on January 13, parents, students, teachers, and alumni crowded the library, straining to get a glimpse of the podium. The interior of the library had been rearranged...
On Wednesday, February 7, Westridge students decked out in red from head-to-toe celebrated the Lunar New Year through performances, food, and music. During the morning band, students and faculty from both...
On Friday, January 19th, Westridge held its annual All School Day (ASD), embracing the theme of “Once Upon a Westridge,” a fairytale and theme-park-inspired event. This year’s All School Day, held...
When asked what the All School Read means to him, 7th grade English teacher John Cross paused briefly before he replied, “It’s a way to build community through a shared text. I think that’s the heart...
On a hectic Wednesday morning, I made my way across Herrick Quad and towards the crowded library where the celebration of life for Anna Bondoc, my sixth-grade English teacher, would be taking place. I...
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!
On March 8, 9, and 10, Westridge Theatre will present The SpongeBob Musical, a wild and fun production featuring SpongeBob SquarePants—played...
On January 8, Head of School Ms. Andrea Kassar announced over email that Director of Upper School Mr. Gary Baldwin will be leaving Westridge at the end of the current school year. Having been a part of...
On November 13, 2023, students poured into the Hoffman Gymnasium, forming a discussion circle facing members of the Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) and Jewish Affinities. An atmosphere of palpable...