You are extremely social and enjoy hanging out with your friends all summer long. You love being part of a group, or a slice of the pizza! You are very extroverted and fun to be around, and you are also not afraid to eat in the pool.

You are paranoid. You live in constant fear of being flipped over by feral younger cousins.
You are a toddler.

These pool floats are hard to stay on, so if this is your pool float of choice, you must have an extremely well-balanced lifestyle. You have a calm and magical energy about you, like a unicorn, that makes you someone that your friends can rely on.

Maybe you can’t swim. Maybe you like watermelon. But probably both. Also, you have commitment issues, as you can never decide if you want to be fully submerged in the water.

Your slightly violent nature comes out in the summer. You like using these pool noodles to shoot water at your friends or to hit your sibling in the face.