Click Here for April/May Editor’s Note…


Alas, the end of the year is approaching us. It honestly feels like I was starting my senior year just yesterday. Online school has definitely flown by faster than in personthat’s for sure.

As I look back on my four years on staff at Spyglass, the only word that comes to mind is “accomplishment.” I’ve accomplished my first A1 story, my first photo essay, my first personal narrative. I’ve accomplished my fear of speaking to new people through interviews, and have accomplished finding my voice through writing.

This year, the paper has introduced plenty of new changes, such as announcing a rolling basis publishing schedule, and the “Etc.” column. We’ve gathered and produced content on what is going on both inside and outside Westridge, from the global pandemic to Westridge’s first-ever (and hopefully last) full semester online. Our online website was even more accessible to readers this year, and I’m proud of what we’ve created.

This editor’s note is a little bit different. Usually, I write a monthly editor’s note, but since Spyglass is only releasing two more issues (the very last one of the 2020-2021 school year being in May), I thought it was only fitting for this to be my farewell letter, as I hand the reins over to someone even more capable and determined than me: Katie Shirreffs.

From the dozens of online meetings to hours of writing and editing, Spyglass will forever hold a place in my heart. And with that last sentence, the 2020-2021 year of Spyglass has officially closed its book—until next year.


Jacqueline Yipp