On Friday, January 19th, Westridge held its annual All School Day (ASD), embracing the theme of “Once Upon a Westridge,” a fairytale and theme-park-inspired event. This year’s All School Day, held...
Transitioning to college life can be both exhilarating and challenging as students embrace both new freedoms and new responsibilities. Spyglass spoke with six members of the Class of 2023 about their first...
On Monday, January 8, 8th grade students met in the Mudd Pit for a deep dive into the criminal justice system with guest speaker and criminal justice lawyer Mr. Mark Mermelstein.
8th Grade History Teacher...
A couple weeks ago, as I procrastinated doing my homework by scrolling on X, I saw the unsettling news that the Los Angeles Times, a news source unmatched in their coverage of the Los Angeles happenings,...
Celebrate the holiday season with the warm and inviting aroma of this delicious pumpkin spice cake! This delectable dessert perfectly captures the essence of the fall and winter seasons with its rich blend...
With Christmas coming up in only two Mondays, it’s essential to finalize your Christmas wish list. December 25 may be quickly approaching, but don’t worry, I’ve got 10 gift or wish list ideas just...
Thoughts on candy canes?
a. Overrated. They taste like toothpaste.
b. I’ll eat them if I have to…
c. My tongue is stained pink, and I think I’m starting to see stripes on it.
Get into the festive spirit with these top five Christmas movies to put you in the holiday spirit. From heartwarming classics to charming animated tales, these films will bring joy and entertainment to...
After two days of travel, three flights, a nine-hour layover, and three hours of driving during my school-provided vacation time, I was ready for some real rest. On December 19, 2022, my holiday finally...
Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte, the iconic autumnal drink that has spawned a whole pumpkin spice industry, turns 20 this year, and I can’t imagine fall without it. If not for Starbucks dropping the...
About The Song
Released August 26, 2022 by Icelandic-Chinese singer-songwriter Laufey, the album Everything I Know About Love includes 16 songs. One of these songs is “Fragile,” which explores the...
Welcome to your guide to watching the new Taylor Swift movie, Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour in theaters.
For those who don’t know, Taylor Swift has been touring all across America, performing...