Lower Schoolers Line Up for Vaccine Clinic

On November 15th, Westridge held a COVID-19 vaccine clinic in the Hoffman Gym for the Westridge community. As per the FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 on October 29th, Lower Schoolers were the majority of those who received a vaccine dose at the clinic. Starting right at 3:30, students were lined up ready to get vaccinated.
Overall, students had positive views of the vaccine clinic. “I’m glad that Westridge is doing [the vaccine clinic] because then people will be able to get vaccines at school and not have to get it anywhere else,” Skylar R. ’28 said.
Some teachers, like Lower School art teacher Val Trimarchi, took advantage of the vaccine clinic to receive a booster of the COVID-19 vaccine. “I think it’s amazing and very convenient,” she said. “More people will get [the vaccine] because it’s right here.”
Parents also appreciated the convenience of the vaccine clinic being held at school. “I am very excited that they are having the vaccine clinic and that it is open to siblings,” said Lisa Prince, parent of Vivienne P. ’30. “It made it so convenient for my kids to be vaccinated.”
The clinic provided an easy and accessible way for students, siblings, and teachers to get vaccinated.

“Roughly 40 to 50 people got vaccinated in total,” said Westridge School nurse Vicki Trinh, who organized the vaccine clinic. Trinh confirmed that no one experienced adverse side effects while at the vaccine clinic, but she could not comment on reactions that may have occurred at a later time.
A follow-up vaccine clinic was held on Wednesday, December 8th for anyone in the Westridge community to receive their second vaccine dose.

Reed Dietrick • Dec 13, 2021 at 4:15 pm
Great article, Florence!!! <3