Amidst the chaos and devastation of the Los Angeles fires, support at Westridge has been met head-on with compassion and care. The LA fires, especially the Eaton Fire, have affected many members of the Westridge community. Some have lost homes, many are displaced, and the community is now grappling with a new reality.
Following the outbreak of the Eaton fire on Tuesday, January 7, Head of School Ms. Andrea Kassar informed the Westridge community in an email that all classes and after-school activities were canceled until the end of the week. This was extended to the following Monday, January 13.
For some students, Westridge’s decision to cancel school offered relief because work felt overwhelming during such an uncertain time. Clara T. ’27 said, “Having the days off last week was helpful because I was stressed. When I left my house and I didn’t bring any of my schoolwork, I was like, ‘I can’t even think about doing school right now.’”
During the days off, Counselor Ms. Sheri Johnson and Director of Counseling and Student Support Dr. Lisa LaFave, were available to talk to students online via Zoom. Ms. Bonnie Martinez, Upper School Dean of Student Support, reached out to all affected families offering support and resources via email.
On Tuesday, January 14, Westridge reopened to students—yet the return to school felt anything but normal. For administration, deciding to reopen school was difficult and required careful consideration. Director of Upper School Dr. Melanie Arias said, “We knew that there would never be a moment that [was] perfect for everyone [to return to school].”
However, many students and teachers were grateful when the campus reopened. Westridge provided a space for students and faculty to come together and comfort each other by organizing class meetings, advisories, and a town meeting centered around the fire. In advisory groups, students processed the events of the past week together and checked in with their advisors individually.
Ms. Katie Wei, Upper School English Teacher and 10th Grade Class Dean said, “I know all of the students and teachers who lost homes were here, and I think that was very appealing because I think this is, for many of them, a place where they can connect with friends, where they can be away from the crisis, and have a minute where they can maybe put it to the side.”
Many students looked forward to the community at Westridge. After returning to school, Clara said, “One of the things that helped me most is just hanging out with my friends.”
Ms. Wei echoed this sentiment, saying, “People wanted to just have a break from the scariness, and wanted to be kids, and wanted to have fun, and wanted to hang with their friends.”
Most classes were filled with coloring, Disney movies, and time to talk instead of typical schoolwork. Faculty also designated classrooms to be quiet study spaces for students who needed peace. Many students appreciated the efforts to create a stress-free environment including Pip C. ’27, who was evacuated from her home in Altadena.
Class Deans stressed that teachers would not assign homework and lessen classwork for the week. Ms. Wei said, “Where are kids gonna do homework, and how do you assign homework to a kid whose house just burned down? What do we even mean by this?”
Similarly, Director of Lower and Middle School Dr. Zanita Kelly said, “We are not supposed to be learning new things this week. This is the week for us to be together and be in community with each other.”
For many students, schoolwork was impossible because they did not have space or school supplies. For students who were displaced or lost their homes, Westridge offered all necessary school-related items such as books, pens and pencils, and uniforms. Pip said, “[Westridge was] good at making sure that people knew that there were resources.”
Ms. Wei immediately ordered books for all of her students who lost their homes. “Part of it is just, what can we take off the plate of those who are dealing with really intense stuff?” she said. Similarly, Dr. Kelly comforted one student whose main concern with returning to school was not having supplies, “We got you there. You give me a list of the supplies that you want, I mean, down to the color pencil and type that you like to use,” she said.
Faculty also faced the task of supporting students emotionally. Dr. Kelly approached support for the lower and middle school with what she calls “The Three H’s:” to be heard, held, or hugged. Dr. Kelly practiced this with her students but also taught them to use “The Three H’s” with each other.
“To be heard” was used in Upper School as well. Kali Spicer, Administrative Assistant to Upper School, said, “I can assume what people will need, and that’s not always helpful…so I think at the core of [support] is to actually listen and then respond accordingly.”
Clara, who is currently evacuated, said, “I had a lot of teachers check up on me…which I was really grateful for.”
Even though Los Angeles and Westridge are a long way from being repaired, Westridge continues to look ahead. Dr. Kelly concluded, “We will rise to the occasion. We will face the challenge. We will be able to figure a way forward.”