When Did The Pandemic Become Real To You? Students and Faculty Respond.

On March 13, 2020, Westridge closed its doors after a coronavirus case was diagnosed in Los Angeles. Most members of the community believed that everything would go back to normal after spring break, but as cases increased, death rates rose, and fear of catching the virus circulated, it became clear that normal life with its jam-packed indoor restaurants, in-person school, and maskless human interaction would not be returning anytime soon.

For some, schools closing down was a shock to reality, resulting in a sudden awareness that the pandemic was real. For others, it was not until months later that they fully felt the impact.

Spyglass asked Westridge students and faculty to share the moment when the pandemic became “real” to them. Read their responses below.



Further Reading:

When Did the Pandemic Become Real for You? – The New York Times

A Year of Trauma and Resilience: How the Pandemic Changed Everything