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Halloween: What’s In and What’s Out

Out: The two students that dress up as the twins from the shining and win “scariest costume” every year – EVEN THOUGH THERE’S TWO OF THEM SO TECHNICALLY IT DOESN’T COUNT


In: Halloween ending at 11pm. Last year I went trick-or-treating with my friends at 9:30 and all the houses were out of candy.


Out: HALLOWEEN BEING ON A MONDAY??? And we still have school the day after… even though we have a whole “Faculty Work Day (why can’t that be moved to Tuesday?). Post-Halloween should be a national holiday!


In: Full sized candy bars 


Out: Raisinettes, candy corn, tootsie rolls, licorice, jelly beans, and laffy taffy (especially the banana flavor). Not to mention the houses that hand out toothbrushes and pretzels!


In: Teenagers trick-or-treating. You’re never too old for candy!


Out: Overused costumes, Stranger things costumes, and COVID-19 related costumes.


In: No homework the weekend before Halloween.


Out: Those camo brown inflatable dino costumes (I will watch you slowly deflate throughout the school day with glee)

In: ALMOND JOYS AND MOUNDS!! All the coconut haters should stop reading immediately.


Out: People stealing the whole bowl of candy when it says to “take one please”


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